Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation Part 7: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

The narrative of our title sequence follows our antagonist as he plans for his next murder. Hannah and I decided to use a GoPro to obtain point of view shots rather than using a DSLR camera in these scenes. This was used in order to allow the audience to feel as if they were the antagonist following their latest victim to their death. In addition, a GoPro is much smaller and we were able to attach the GoPro to our male character's head- which made the shots more realistic.

For the scenes in the 'den' Hannah filmed using a DSLR camera; this decision was made because Hannah and I did not want our sequence to use too many varieties of technologies as we wanted the use of the GoPro to be the main focus in our sequence. 

Even though we found the GoPro footage to be a success, Hannah and I found the fish eye lens to be unsuccessful. Although we liked the extreme wide angle at first, after editing we found it distorted the footage slightly too much.  In addition, Hannah and I thought the fish eye lens drew the attention away from the female character as we would have liked a more tight shot so there would be less emphasis on the background and more emphasis to the woman.

Through this production process I have learnt there are many ways and techniques to shoot footage tas opposed to using a DSLR camera.

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